Life should not be a journey of only experiencing one emotion

Artwork: "Portal", Talon Abraxas, 2021 (source)
"Happiness is one emotion... Experiences are constantly changing but if we attach ourselves to a single emotion then we are missing out on the reality that our emotions are constantly changing [too]... Emotions are not bad. Life should not be a journey of only experiencing one emotion. How sad would that be?" ~
What is the ultimate goal of humanity? Hard-wiring happiness?
Dec 16 2017
"Happiness is one emotion. I firmly believe that all emotions serve some sort of function. In the world of psychology, it is accepted by most professionals that emotions inform us of our needs in some way. Have anxiety? Anxiety often motivates us to engage in a task upcoming or to prepare us for something dangerous. Feeling sad? Something may have just happened that caused you pain and you wish to avoid that experience in the future. Feeling happy? That experience is something you want to seek out in the future. Is this simplified? Of course. Too much anxiety can be impairing. Too much of anything can be impairing.

As far as monks. They are VERY talented at viewing and experiencing emotions in a non-judgmental manner without attachment. There is research that emotions only last about 30 seconds. Any longer is due to us being preoccupied with the emotions. Experiences are constantly changing but if we attach ourselves to a single emotion then we are missing out on the reality that our emotions are constantly changing. Monks are experts at mindfulness. We often judge negative emotions as bad. We feel bad for feeling sad which doesn't help. We hate ourselves for being anxious. Monks allow these emotions to be. They don't challenge them. They acknowledge they are there and allow them to take their course. Eventually their emotions change due to them being attentive to the present always changing moment. Emotions are not bad. Life should not be a journey of only experiencing one emotion. How sad would that be?" ~

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